Great dog walks, in great locations, with a small group of other great dogs! £13 per full hours walk. Collection & delivery service is included. Always the same professional, reliable, friendly face. Highway code compliant transport. Fully insured & advanced DBS (police) checked service.

3 hours of exercise, social time & companionship with up to 3 other well matched dogs. Activities can include: structured play, unstructured play; free time to stick their nose in the grass and simply be a dog! Occasional and regular bookings accepted. Warning! This is an extremely popular service so don't tell the dog until you've got it booked! £22 per playdate. Fully insured & advanced DBS (police) checked service.

For those occasions when you need a little 'you' time, or a work commitment takes you away from your best friend. Relax & let them join The Happy Dog family! Our cosy home sleepovers cater for all creature comforts & all types of customer . £26 per night. Fully licensed, insured & advanced DBS (police) checked service.

For those human holiday treat times when taking a stowaway is not an option! A 'Staycation' with The Happy Dog family means that while you're away your dog can holiday too! First class care and companionship for your best friend. £182 per week. Fully licenced, insured and advanced DBS (police) checked service.

For those human holiday treat times when taking a stowaway is not an option! The same, friendly cat carer will visit your feline friend, as arranged, & take care of all her diet & hygiene needs. Of course, cuddles & companionship are all part of the Happy Dog cat sitting service! £10 per visit. Fully insured and police checked (DBS) service.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel &
Co-founder of The Happy Dog
The Happy Dog is owned by Maxine Domleo and is based in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire. 'Berkeley' is her handsome Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and her inspiration for creating The Happy Dog. He is also an invaluable member of staff, ensuring that all new team members feel happy, relaxed & safe.
The Happy Dog provide fun, stimulating, & secure dog walks & playdates in the lovely woodlands and parks throughout Mansfield, Ashfield & it's surrounding areas. Our canine 'sleepover' & 'staycation' services take place in the calm of our cosy, well appointed home just a stone's throw from Sutton Lawns parkland.
The recent addition of our cat sitting service ensures staff at The Happy Dog get their 'cat cuddle fix' since the recent loss of their gorgeous Persian Chinchilla, Mia at the grand old age of 17!
So, whether you are a busy, elderly or infirm owner, or you're simply looking to create a little 'you' time, The Happy Dog has a high quality pet care service just for you! You can relax happy in the knowledge that your four legged friend is receiving the very best care and attention from dedicated animal lovers!
The Happy Dog is fully licensed by Ashfield District Council, insured and Advanced DBS (police) checked, providing you with total peace of mind.

Taking the time to introduce ourselves to you & your pet is the cornerstone of forming a great working friendship for the future. At The Happy Dog we have a 2 step 'introductions' process to ensure pet, owner & carer can become accustomed, and at ease with each other, as quickly as possible.
Step 1(All services) - A Home Visit
We will visit you and your pet at home to discuss their specific requirements, character, level of obedience, medical & vaccination history etc. Your pet will also get the chance to decide if they like us! If we are a good fit we will then arrange an accompanied walk or familiarisation visit.
Step 2 (Dog walking & playdates) - An Accompanied Walk
We will come with you on a walk with your dog. This gives us the opportunity to observe your dog's walking habits and behaviour whilst out and about. It also gives your dog another chance to familiarise themselves with us, and for them to begin the process of associating our presence with going out for a walk. There is no charge for this.
Step 2 (Sleepovers & staycations) - A Familiarisation Visit
Both you and your dog will be invited for a visit to The Happy Dog house to enable your dog to become familiar with their new surroundings and to meet Berkeley. The aim is reduce anxiety levels in your pet in readiness for their forthcoming visit, but it works a treat for the pet owners too!

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